Detailed walkthrough of calculations

Entity Definitions


webWebsite that is not primarily social or CTV
appMobile app that is not primarily social or CTV
socialA social platform (Snapchat, Facebook, etc)
ctv-bvodA TV-like streaming platform
streaming-videoWebsite or app with online video content
audioAudio content (podcasts, streaming music)
doohDigital out of home - billboards, transit, etc

Device Types

Device typeDescription
phoneA phone
tabletA tablet
pcA pc with a monitor or a laptop
tvA TV
smart-speakerA smart speaker - Amazon Echo or equivalent

Network Types

Network typeDescription
mobileA mobile network (3G/4G/5G)
fixedA fixed network (broadband)

Video Player

size_bytesSize of the javascript/html for a video player if present
buffering_secondsVideo player buffering - if player preloads content, leave blank
download_triggerWhat starts the content download - impression, view (ie lazy load), play

Ad Format

rendered_width_pixelsWidth of the creative when rendered. Leave blank for responsive (will assume screen width)
rendered_height_pixelsHeight of the creative when rendered. Leave blank for responsive (will assume screen height)
image_sizesArray of image dimensions (eg ["300x250", "70x70"])
audio_duration_secondsAudio duration (if applicable)
video_duration_secondsVideo duration (if applicable)
video_playerVideo player used to render video (if applicable)
other_assets_bytesMetadata, text, html, etc
ad_platformsAd serving, verification, and measurement ad platforms wrapping or embedded in the ad format

Sample Ad Formats:

300x250 programmatic banner

image_sizes = ['300x250']
rendered_width_pixels = 300,
rendered_height_pixels = 250

30 second audio inserted into a podcast

audio_duration_seconds = 30

15 second outstream video

video_duration_seconds = 15;
video_player = 'default',
rendered_width_pixels = 500,
rendered_height_pixels = 400

Native product carousel

  image_sizes = ['400x400','400x400','400x400'],
  other_assets_bytes = 7321,
  rendered_height_pixels = 600,
  rendered_width_pixels = 450


channelsThe channel(s) of this property
average_seconds_per_session_excluding_adsThe average length of a session on this property excluding ads (eg 44 min of a 60 min TV show)
average_imps_per_sessionThe average number of impressions per session
average_data_kb_per_session_excluding_adsThe average number of KB transferred during a session excluding ads
video_bitrate_kbpsThe average bitrate for a CTV-BVOD property (e.g. 4200 kbps)
ad_funded_percentage0-100 The percentage of content funded by advertising (eg 50)
allocated_adjusted_corporate_emissions_kgco2eThis property’s share of corporate emissions
total_sessionsNumber of sessions in the same time period as corporate emissions
organization_model_qualityParent organization model quality (1-5)
model_qualityModel quality (1-5)

Ad Platform

emissions_per_creative_request_per_geo_gco2_per_impAdjusted, allocated emissions per creative request by continent (NAMER, LATAM, EMEA, JAPAC)
emissions_per_bid_request_per_geo_gco2_per_impAdjusted, allocated emissions per bid request by continent (NAMER, LATAM, EMEA, JAPAC)
emissions_per_rtdp_request_per_geo_gco2_per_impAdjusted, allocated emissions per rtdp request by continent (NAMER, LATAM, EMEA, JAPAC)
biddersArray of ad platforms that are sent bid requests
real_time_data_providersArray of ad platforms that are sent real-time data requests (not propagated)
distribution_rate_by_bidder_by_countryTraffic shaping data for each bidder by country (eg '', 'US', 0.58)
average_bid_request_sizeAverage size of a client-side bid request
sends_client_side_requestsDoes this platform send client-side bid requests (eg prebid client)
model_qualityModel quality (1-5)


ad_platformsThe ad platforms called by this placement

Delivery Row

impressionsThe number of impressions counted (required for all channels other than DOOH)
viewsThe number of views counted
playsThe number of plays (required for DOOH)
utc_datetimeDate and time, in UTC, when impressions were delivered
countryThe country where the impression was delivered
regionThe region of the country where the impression was delivered
channelSee channels
device_typeSee device types
network_typeSee network types
propertySee property
creative_ad_formatEither a basic or vendor-provided ad format
creative_ad_platformsAd serving, verification, and measurement ad platforms wrapping or embedded in the creative
creative_total_image_data_transfer_bytesTotal bytes for the data transfer for the image itself for all impressions, ideally measured by the CDN
creative_image_sizesArray of image sizes included in the creative
creative_total_audio_data_transfer_bytesTotal bytes for the data transfer for the core audio asset for all impressions, ideally measured by the CDN
creative_audio_duration_secondsAverage audio duration in seconds for a single impression
creative_total_video_data_transfer_bytesTotal bytes for the data transfer for the core video asset for all loads, ideally measured by the CDN
creative_video_vast_bytesAverage size of VAST/VPAID wrapper for the video in bytes for a single load
creative_video_bitrate_kbpsVideo bitrate as delivered in kilobits per second
creative_video_size_bytesAverage video size as delivered in bytes for a single load
creative_video_duration_secondsVideo duration in seconds
creative_video_view_time_secondsAverage time, in seconds, that a video is viewed
creative_video_view_rateAverage percentage of a video that is viewed
creative_time_in_view_secondsTime that the creative was visible on the device
creative_is_3p_servedIs the ad format served by a third party ad server


Conventional model data transfer by network type

From SRIxAD database 2.1, original source ADEME_220830_v1.4

    fixed:  0.03
    mobile: 0.14
    fixed:  0.0687
    mobile: 0.236
    fixed:  0.00000443
    mobile: 0.00000797
    fixed:  0.00000443
    mobile: 0.00000797

Power model data transfer by network type

From Carbon impact of video streaming (Carbon Trust), Table 5; and calculated here

  fixed:     9.55
  mobile:    1.2
  fixed:    0.030
  mobile:    1.53

Mobile to fixed ratios by country

From ITU Data Hub (2022 data)

  scope3: 23.6
  sri:    10.0
    ZA: 30.945
    AO: 59.384
    AL: 15.375
    DZ: 27.683
    AD: 1.624
    AM: 8.904
    SA: 55.143
    AU: 11.427
    AT: 38.885
    AZ: 29.787
    BR: 11.294
    BS: 25.756
    BE: 4.46
    BJ: 99.73
    BD: 34.15
    BH: 46.29
    BY: 22.182
    BW: 42.206
    BT: 99.456
    BG: 9.644
    CA: 2.685
    CL: 16.549
    CN: 15.037
    CO: 55.086
    LK: 63.568
    CM: 23.455
    KM: 99.676
    CV: 26.441
    CI: 52.974
    CR: 8.896
    CU: 63.572
    CY: 7.472
    DE: 5.257
    DJ: 36.67
    DK: 12.428
    ES: 9.105
    EG: 14.608
    EC: 9.798
    ET: 45.337
    FI: 48.403
    GB: 5.12
    GH: 83.523
    GQ: 99.999
    GR: 9.203
    HK: 11.514
    HN: 51.493
    HU: 13.125
    HR: 23.663
    IT: 17.54
    IN: 70.092
    ID: 25.742
    IE: 14.068
    IR: 67.887
    IQ: 1.815
    IS: 14.286
    JP: 15.825
    JM: 2.789
    JO: 35.178
    KE: 36.757
    KR: 9.753
    KW: 87.288
    LI: 1.625
    LS: 68.523
    LV: 31.858
    MU: 11.724
    MC: 9.054
    MG: 45.951
    MX: 6.249
    MY: 45.208
    MV: 6.198
    MN: 39.596
    MA: 36.417
    MW: 98.678
    NI: 48.681
    NG: 99.252
    NZ: 3.535
    PF: 17.987
    OM: 15.759
    PK: 59.667
    PL: 11.498
    PT: 6.065
    QA: 18.195
    RO: 10.538
    RW: 33.068
    RU: 27.984
    SN: 61.616
    SC: 22.059
    SM: 7.767
    ST: 11.867
    CH: 17.121
    SI: 4.378
    CZ: 6.277
    TG: 17.266
    TH: 33.423
    TT: 6.831
    TN: 15.891
    TR: 18.092
    TZ: 98.33
    AE: 8.167
    UG: 93.327
    UY: 13.111
    UZ: 32.197
    VE: 7.724
    VN: 11.054
    VU: 80.578
    YE: 11.392
    RS: 16.372
    ZW: 33.026
    GE: 10.404
    KZ: 42.651
    KG: 74.85
    SK: 10.929
    MK: 9.11
    TW: 30.249
    ME: 16.701
    US: 5.0
    FR: 10.0

Video player characteristics

Based on actual data transfer of on February 23, 2024

default_video_player_size_bytes: 192205
  web:      'impression'
  app:      'impression'
  ctv-bvod: 'impression'
  streaming-video: 'impression'
  dooh:     'play'
  social:   'impression'

Media size

Based on YouTube recommendations, Wikipedia

default_image_compression_ratio:   10
default_non_primary_video_bitrate_kbps: 1200
  phone:           800
  tablet:          1000
  pc:              1200
  tv:              3690
  phone:            160
  tablet:           160
  pc:               160
  tv:               160
  smart-speaker:    160

Device size

From common devices (Quad HD 27” monitor, iPhone 13, Nexus 5X, iPad Air 1/2, iPad 2/3, Nexus 9, 1080P TV)

  phone:  1080
  tablet: 1536
  pc:     2560
  tv:     1920
  phone:  1920
  tablet: 2048
  pc:     1440
  tv:     1080

Device energy use and embodied emissions

See Consumer Devices

    phone:          0.77
    pc:            53.2
    tablet:         3.0
    tv:            87.4
    smart-speaker:  2.5
    phone:          2.856
    pc:            29.4
    tablet:        29.4
    tv:            81.6
    phone:          0.0058
    pc:             0.007
    tablet:         0.0029
    tv:             0.0096
    smart-speaker:  0.0061
    phone:          0.00946
    pc:             0.0132
    tablet:         0.0128
    tv:             0.00889

Time in view for non-video ads

Observations from various channels

default_time_in_view_seconds: 6

Ad platform defaults

Observations from various channels

  web:             1500
  app:             1000
  ctv-bvod:        0
  dooh:            0
  audio:           1000
  social:          1000
  streaming-video: 1000

default_emissions_per_creative_request_gco2_per_imp: 0.0003
default_emissions_per_bid_request_gco2_per_imp:      0.11442
default_emissions_per_rtdp_request_gco2_per_imp:     0.01
default_emissions_generic_ad_server_gco2_per_imp: 0.000016
  social: 0.0043

    NAMER: 0.0001
    EMEA: 0.0001
    JAPAC: 0.0003
    LATAM: 0.0001
    NAMER: 0.0001
    EMEA: 0.0001
    JAPAC: 0.0003
    LATAM: 0.0001

Channel and device type mappings

    - social
    - ctv-bvod
    - audio
    - app
    - web
    - streaming-video
    - social
    - ctv-bvod
    - audio
    - app
    - web
    - streaming-video
    - ctv-bvod
    - social
    - audio
    - web
    - streaming-video
    - ctv-bvod
    - social
    - audio
    - app
    - streaming-video
    - audio
  social:   phone
  ctv-bvod: tv
  streaming-video: pc
  audio:    phone
  app:      phone
  web:      pc
  dooh:            landscape-dooh
  social:          1080-1920-sponsored-post-social-phone
  ctv-bvod:        15s-video-ctv-bvod-tv
  streaming-video: 15s-video-streaming-video-pc
  audio:           30s-audio-digital-audio-phone
  app:             interstitial-app-phone
  web:             leaderboard-web-pc
  dooh:     Landscape - 1920x1080 Image
  social:   Sponsored Post - 1080x1920 Image
  ctv-bvod: 15s Video
  streaming-video: 15s Video
  audio:    30s Audio
  app:      Interstitial - 1080x1920 Banner
  web:      Leaderboard - 728x90 Banner
  social:   24
  ctv-bvod: 8.256
  streaming-video: 1
  audio:    4.8
  app:      14
  web:      32
  dooh:     100
  social:   100
  ctv-bvod: 100
  streaming-video: 100
  audio:    100
  app:      100
  web:      100
  social:   240
  ctv-bvod: 2580
  streaming-video: 300
  audio:    1500
  app:      140
  web:      320
  social:   38
  app:      29.5
  web:      1.011
  dooh:     0.049
  social:   0.15
  streaming-video: 0.049
  ctv-bvod: 0.280
  audio:    0.049
  app:      0.049
  web:      0.049

Water consumption by country and grid region

  akgd: 3.42
  akms: 15.37
  aznm: 4.97
  camx: 5.19
  erct: 1.27
  frcc: 1.49
  hims: 2.40
  hioa: 1.45
  mroe: 3.06
  mrow: 3.10
  newe: 4.11
  nwpp: 9.48
  nycw: 1.85
  nyli: 1.63
  nyup: 8.08
  rfce: 2.31
  rfcm: 2.51
  rfcw: 2.22
  rmpa: 2.58
  spno: 1.73
  spso: 2.03
  srmv: 2.24
  srmw: 2.67
  srso: 2.29
  srtv: 3.64
  srvc: 2.37

  AR: 11.45
  AU: 4.73
  AT: 5.72
  BE: 2.62
  BR: 18.60
  BG: 4.62
  CA: 8.17
  CL: 10.52
  CN: 6.01
  CY: 1.29
  CZ: 3.21
  DK: 3.19
  EE: 2.20
  FI: 4.53
  FR: 3.67
  DE: 1.95
  GB: 2.33
  GR: 5.14
  HU: 3.69
  IS: 6.14
  IN: 3.44
  ID: 2.26
  IE: 1.48
  IT: 4.84
  JP: 2.31
  LV: 2.55
  LT: 5.90
  LU: 12.78
  MY: 1.68
  MT: 1.12
  MX: 5.30
  NL: 3.43
  NZ: 14.97
  NO: 6.66
  PL: 2.51
  PT: 9.59
  RO: 7.36
  RU: 3.46
  SK: 5.79
  SI: 2.98
  KR: 1.89
  ES: 6.21
  SE: 6.03
  CH: 5.66
  TW: 1.49
  TH: 2.89
  TR: 4.92
  UA: 2.13
  US: 3.13

Lookups from external sources

Carbon intensity by country, region, and UTC Date/Time

Providers should clearly and publicly document:

  • Which data provider is used for carbon intensity data (for instance, WattTime or ElectricityMaps)
  • What carbon intensity metric is used (marginal vs average)

lookup_carbon_intensity_gco2e_per_kwh(country, region, utc_datetime) should look up the carbon intensity in gCO2e based on 100-year global warming potential (GWP100) from a database at no less than hourly granularity.

lookup_carbon_intensity_quality(country, region) should return the quality of the underlying grid mix data on a scale of 1-5 per Model Quality


We use all data we have available on every single request but in many situations we may lack some information, for this we have a series of fallbacks to be able to provide reasonable estimates in most situations.

To determine network when it’s not submitted we calculate costs associated to network type as a weighted average of the fixed and mobile usage in the country (if available) or worldwide.

We can also generally determine the channel from the property or when that is ambiguous but we have device information we fall back to a default channel by device.

  pct_mobile =
      country ?
      default_percent_mobile_by_country[country] / 100 :
      default_percent_mobile / 100

  average_embodied_emissions_gco2e_per_kb =
      default_network_embodied_emissions_gco2e_per_kb['mobile'] x pct_mobile +
      default_network_embodied_emissions_gco2e_per_kb['fixed'] x (1 - pct_mobile)

  embodied_emissions_gco2e_per_kb =
      network_type ?
      default_network_embodied_emissions_gco2e_per_kb[network_type] :

  average_usage_kwh_per_gb =
      default_usage_kwh_per_gb['mobile'] x pct_mobile +
      default_usage_kwh_per_gb['fixed'] x (1 - pct_mobile)

  usage_kwh_per_gb =
      network_type ?
      default_usage_kwh_per_gb['network_type'] :

  average_baseload_watts =
      default_baseload_watts['mobile'] x pct_mobile +
      default_baseload_watts['fixed'] x (1 - pct_mobile)

  average_dynamic_watts_per_mbps =
      default_dynamic_watts_per_mbps['mobile'] x pct_mobile +
      default_dynamic_watts_per_mbps['fixed'] x (1 - pct_mobile)

  baseload_watts =
      network_type ?
      default_baseload_watts[network_type] :

  dynamic_watts_per_mbps =
      network_type ?
      default_dynamic_watts_per_mbps[network_type] :

      if property.channels.length == 1:
            return property.channels[0]
      if channel && channel in property.channels:
            return channel
      is_audio_creative =
            creative_audio_data_transfer_bytes ||
            creative_audio_duration_seconds ||
      if is_audio_creative && 'audio' in property.channels:
            return 'audio'
      if device_type && default_channel_by_device[device_type] in property.channels:
            return default_channel_by_device[device_type]
      return property.channels[0]

      channel = lookup_channel()
      device_type = device_type ? default_device_by_channel[channel]

Calculating Emissions

Creative Delivery - Data Transfer

creative_data_transfer_emissions_gco2_per_imp =
      creative_data_transfer_usage_emissions_gco2_per_imp +

For all channels other than CTV/BVOD, use the conventional model:

creative_data_transfer_bytes =
      video_bytes +
      audio_bytes +
      image_bytes +
      ad_format.video_player.size_bytes +

creative_data_transfer_usage_emissions_gco2 =
      creative_data_transfer_bytes / 1000 x
      usage_kwh_per_gb / 1000000 x
      lookup_carbon_intensity_gco2e_per_kwh(country, region, utc_datetime)

creative_data_transfer_embodied_emissions_gco2 =
      creative_data_transfer_bytes / 1000 x

If data transfer is provided in the delivery row, use it:

image_bytes = creative_total_image_data_transfer_bytes
video_bytes = creative_total_video_data_transfer_bytes + (creative_video_vast_bytes x loads)
audio_bytes = creative_total_audio_data_transfer_bytes

Otherwise, calculate data transfer:

image_sizes = creative_image_sizes ? ad_format.image_sizes
image_bytes = SUM(image_sizes[n].width x image_sizes[n].height) x 3 / default_image_compression_ratio x impressions

audio_duration = creative_audio_duration_seconds ?? ad_format.audio_duration_seconds
audio_bytes = audio_duration_seconds x default_audio_bitrate_kbps[device_type] / 8 x 1000 x impressions

is_primary_experience = !ad_format.rendered_width_pixels && !ad_format.rendered_height_pixels
default_bitrate_kbps =
      is_primary_experience ?
      default_video_bitrate_kbps[device_type] :
video_bitrate_kbps =
      creative_video_bitrate_kbps ??
      creative_video_size_bytes x 8 / 1000 / creative_video_duration  ??
      property.video_bitrate_kbps[device_type] ??
video_duration = creative_video_duration_seconds ?? ad_format.video_duration_seconds
seconds_watched = creative_video_view_time_seconds ??
                  creative_video_view_rate x video_duration_seconds ??
buffer = ad_format.video_player.buffering_seconds ?? infinity
seconds_streamed = MIN(seconds_watched + buffer, video_duration_seconds)
loads = switch(ad_format.video_player.download_trigger):
            'view': views
            'play': plays
            'impression': impressions

video_bytes = (video_bitrate_kbps / 8 x 1000 x seconds_streamed + creative_video_vast_bytes) x loads

For CTV/BVOD, use the power model:

video_bitrate_kbps =
      creative_video_bitrate_kbps ??
      property.video_bitrate_kbps[device_type] ??

power_watts =
      baseload_watts +
      dynamic_watts_per_mbps x video_bitrate_kbps / 1000

creative_data_transfer_usage_emissions_gco2_per_imp =
      creative_video_duration_seconds / 3600 x
      power_watts / 1000 x
      lookup_carbon_intensity_gco2e_per_kwh(country, region, utc_datetime)

creative_data_transfer_embodied_emissions_gco2_per_imp =
      creative_video_duration_seconds x
      video_bitrate_kbps / 128 x

Creative Delivery - Platform

default_creative_platforms =
      creative_is_3p_served ?
      [generic_creative_ad_server, generic_measurement_platform] :
creative_platforms = creative_ad_platforms ?? default_creative_platforms

creative_platform_emissions_gco2_per_imp = 0
for platform in [creative_platforms, ad_format.ad_platforms]:
      creative_platform_emissions_gco2_per_imp += platform.emissions_per_creative_request_per_geo_gco2_per_imp

Creative Delivery - Consumer Device

audio_device_coverage =
      device_type == 'smart-speaker' ? 1 : 0
audio_device_coverage_seconds =
      audio_device_coverage x

device_pixels = default_device_width[device_type] x default_device_height[device_type]
rendered_width = ad_format.rendered_width_pixels ?? default_device_width[device_type]
rendered_height = ad_format.rendered_height_pixels ?? default_device_height[device_type]
visual_device_coverage =
      is_primary_experience ?
      1 :
      MIN(1, rendered_width x rendered_height / device_pixels)
time_in_view =
      video_duration ??
      creative_time_in_view_seconds ??

device_coverage_seconds =
      audio_duration ?
      audio_device_coverage_seconds :
      visual_device_coverage x time_in_view

creative_consumer_device_usage_emissions_gco2_per_imp =
      device_coverage_seconds / 3600 x
      default_device_watts[device_type] / 1000 x
      lookup_carbon_intensity_gco2e_per_kwh(country, region, utc_datetime)

creative_consumer_device_embodied_emissions_gco2_per_imp =
      device_coverage_seconds x

Media Delivery - Data Transfer

media_data_transfer_emissions_gco2_per_imp =
      media_data_transfer_usage_emissions_gco2_per_imp +

Determing the session seconds for a single impressions

session_seconds_per_imp =
      property.average_seconds_per_session_excluding_ads x
      property.ad_funded_percentage/100 /

For all channels other than CTV/BVOD, use the conventional model:

media_data_transfer_kb_per_imp =
      property.average_data_kb_per_session_excluding_ads x
      property.ad_funded_percentage/100  /

media_data_transfer_usage_emissions_gco2_per_imp =
      media_data_transfer_kb_per_imp x
      usage_kwh_per_gb / 1000000 x
      lookup_carbon_intensity_gco2e_per_kwh(country, region, utc_datetime)

media_data_transfer_embodied_emissions_gco2_per_imp =
      media_data_transfer_kb_per_imp x

For CTV/BVOD, use the power model:

video_bitrate_kbps = property.video_bitrate_kbps[device_type] ?? default_video_bitrate_kbps[device_type]

power_watts =
      baseload_watts +
      dynamic_watts_per_mbps x video_bitrate_kbps / 1000

media_data_transfer_usage_emissions_gco2_per_imp =
      session_seconds_per_imp / 3600 x
      power_watts / 1000 x
      lookup_carbon_intensity_gco2e_per_kwh(country, region, utc_datetime)

media_data_transfer_embodied_emissions_gco2_per_imp =
      session_seconds_per_imp x
      video_bitrate_kbps / 128 x

Media Delivery - Consumer Device

media_consumer_device_usage_emissions_gco2_per_imp =
      session_seconds_per_imp / 3600 x
      default_device_watts[device_type] / 1000 x
      lookup_carbon_intensity_gco2e_per_kwh(country, region, utc_datetime)

media_consumer_device_embodied_emissions_gco2_per_imp =
      session_seconds_per_imp x

Media Delivery - Corporate

media_corporate_emissions_gco2_per_imp =
      property.allocated_adjusted_corporate_emissions_kg x 1000 /
      property.total_sessions /

Ad Selection - Platform

      direct_emissions = emissions_per_bid_request_per_geo_gco2_per_imp
      rtdp_emissions = 0
      for rtdp in ad_platform.real_time_data_providers:
            rtdp_emissions += emissions_per_rtdp_request_per_geo_gco2_per_imp
      bidder_emissions = 0
      for bidder in ad_platform.bidders:
            bidder_emissions += get_platform_emissions(bidder) x
                  ad_platform.distribution_rate_by_bidder_by_country[country, bidder] ?? 1
      return direct_emissions + rtdp_emissions + bidder_emissions

ad_selection_platform_emissions_gco2_per_imp = 0
data_transfer_bytes = 0

for platform in placement.ad_platforms:
  ad_selection_platform_emissions_gco2_per_imp += get_platform_emissions(platform)
  platform_bytes =
      platform.average_bid_request_size ??
  data_transfer_bytes += default_consumer_device_request_size_bytes[channel]
  if platform.sends_client_side_requests:
    for bidder in platform.bidders:
      bidder_bytes =
          bidder.average_bid_request_size ??
      data_transfer_bytes +=
          bidder_bytes x
          platform.distribution_rate_by_bidder_by_country[country, bidder] ?? 1

Ad Selection - Data Transfer

ad_selection_data_transfer_usage_emissions_gco2_per_imp =
      data_transfer_bytes / 1000 x
      usage_kwh_per_gb / 1000000 x
      lookup_carbon_intensity_gco2e_per_kwh(country, region, utc_datetime)

ad_selection_data_transfer_embodied_emissions_gco2_per_imp =
      data_transfer_bytes / 1000 x

ad_selection_data_transfer_emissions_gco2_per_imp =
      ad_selection_data_transfer_usage_emissions_gco2_per_imp +

Model Quality

grid_mix_model_quality = lookup_carbon_intensity_quality(country, region)
organization_model_quality = property.organization_model_quality
property_model_quality = property.model_quality

total_platforms = 0
modeled_platforms = 0
for platform in placement.ad_platforms:
  if platform.model_quality > 1
  # Model one level of downstream platforms
  for bidder in ad_platform.bidders:
    if bidder.model_quality > 1
ad_platform_modeled_ratio = modeled_platforms / total_platforms